
Análisis jurídico de la ley general  (2002) contra la trata de personas


Jesrreel  López  Delgado



Fecha de primera publicación

27 de enero 2015


El Estado mexicano ha  implementado diversas estrategias para combatir la trata de personas. En 2007 promulga la Ley para prevenir  y erradicar la trata de persona; no se obtuvieron los resultados  esperados, se promulgo  en el año 2012 una nueva  Ley para prevenir, erradicar y sancionar los delitos en materia de trata de personas, con un apego a los Derechos Humanos de las personas.

Palabras clave

Trata de personas, Derecho Mexicano, Derechos Humanos, convención de Palermo, Derecho Internacional, estructura y distribución de leyes.


In the last decade the Mexican state has implemented various strategies aimed at overcoming human trafficking. In 2007, the Congress of the Union promulgated the Law to prevent and eradicate crimes in the matter of human trafficking, but the outcome was not as expected. As a consequence, in 2012 this law was derogated and replaced with the General law to prevent, punish and eradicate the crimes in the matter of human trafficking, which simultaneously protects and assists the victims. This law has the purpose of equalizing the actions to prevent, punish and eradicate the traffic of people throughout the country. The conformation of this law followed a different methodology than the one employed in the elaboration of the 2007 law, that is to say, attends the matter with a human rights point of view.



Human trafficking, Mexican Law, Human Rights, Convention of Palermo, International Law, Law structure and distribution.



Julio-Septiembre 2015.Año 3, número 11.Revista Digital

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